LHODOS s.r.o. has been a reliable partner for many Slovak and foreign companies in the field of domestic and international truck transport for 26 years
We belong to an exclusive group of Slovak companies with the highest credibility rating, fulfilling the most stringent criteria of reliability and stability in the market
We hold the AA High Rating Certificate, we apply our stability to our employees by creating good working conditions
Safe delivery of your goods is our priority
About us
LHODOS s.r.o. je rodinná firma s dlhoročnou tradíciou, založená v roku 2005 ako pokračovateľ pôvodnej firmy Ľuboslav Hrušík – ODOS, ktorá pôsobila na trhu od roku 1991. Za 26 rokov pôsobenia v doprave sa LHODOS s.r.o. stal stabilným partnerom pre desiatky domácich a zahraničných spoločností.
The work of our work is national and international truck transport. In addition to Slovakia and the Czech Republic, we also transport these countries to the European Union – Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, France and, if necessary, to other countries.
Professionally and professionally organized work is the result of our quality services.
For the safety and comfort of our staff, we regularly renew our fleet.
A well-equipped workshop is a guarantee of fast and professional service and vehicle repair.
Our view is to create quality working conditions for our employees. We engage in long-term working relationships with loyal employees.
Our company has earned these awards:
Certifikát solventných firiem, Pečať spoľahlivý podnik,Certifikát vysokej dôveryhodnosti s ratingovým hodnotením AA, Pečať prosperity
These awards do say a lot about our company goals - to be reliable, credible and stable partner both for companies that work with us and for your employees.
„ Služby spoločnosti Lhodos s.r.o. využívame viac ako desaťročie. Vieme, že na Lhodos sa môžeme vždy spoľahnúť aj vďaka non-stop
dispečingu. „
– firma XY
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